.. program:: monkeytype Generating type annotations --------------------------- Use the ``monkeytype`` command-line script to generate and apply stub files based on recorded call traces. The script must be able to import your code. It automatically adds the current working directory to the Python path, so ensuring that you run ``monkeytype`` from the root of your code is usually sufficient. Alternatively, you can set the ``PYTHONPATH`` environment variable. .. _monkeytype-stub: monkeytype stub ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Run ``monkeytype stub some.module`` to generate a stub file for the given module based on call traces queried from the trace store. If the module already has some type annotations, those annotations will be respected and will not be replaced with annotations derived from traced calls. The generated stub file will be printed to standard output. If you want to save it to a file, redirect the output to a file (e.g. ``monkeytype stub some.module > some/module.pyi``). You can also run e.g. ``monkeytype stub some.module:SomeClass`` or ``monkeytype stub some.module:somefunc`` to generate a stub for just one class or function. .. _monkeytype-apply: monkeytype apply ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you prefer inline type annotations, ``monkeytype apply some.module`` will generate annotations for ``some.module`` internally (in exactly the same way as ``monkeytype stub`` would), but rather than printing the annotations in stub syntax, it will apply them directly to the code file, modifying it in-place. Obviously this is best used when the file is tracked in a version-control system, so you can easily see the changes made by MonkeyType and accept or reject them. MonkeyType annotations are rarely suitable exactly as generated; they are a starting point and usually require some adjustment by someone who understands the code. Options ~~~~~~~ Both ``monkeytype stub`` and ``monkeytype apply`` accept the same set of options: .. option:: -c , --config The location of the :doc:`config object ` defining your call-trace store and other configuration. The config-path should take the form ``some.module:name``, where ``name`` is the variable in ``some.module`` containing your config instance. Optionally, the value can also include a ``()`` suffix, and MonkeyType will call/instantiate the imported function/class with no arguments to get the actual config instance. The default value is ``monkeytype.config:get_default_config()``, which tries the config path ``monkeytype_config:CONFIG`` and falls back to ``monkeytype.config:DefaultConfig()`` if there is no ``monkeytype_config`` module. This allows creating a custom config that will be used by default just by creating ``monkeytype_config.py`` with a ``CONFIG`` instance in it. .. option:: -l , --limit The maximum number of call traces to query from your call trace store. See the :meth:`~monkeytype.config.Config.query_limit` config method. Default: 2000 .. option:: --disable-type-rewriting Don't apply your configured :ref:`rewriters` to the output types. .. option:: --include-unparsable-defaults Include stubs for functions with argument defaults whose reprs are not valid Python syntax. See the :meth:`~monkeytype.config.Config.include_unparsable_defaults` config method. .. option:: --exclude-unparsable-defaults Exclude stubs for functions with argument defaults whose reprs are not valid Python syntax. See the :meth:`~monkeytype.config.Config.include_unparsable_defaults` config method. .. module:: monkeytype.typing .. _rewriters: Type rewriters ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MonkeyType's built-in type generation is quite simple: it just makes a ``Union`` of all the types seen in traces for a given argument or return value, and shrinks that ``Union`` to remove redundancy. All additional type transformations are performed through configured type rewriters. .. class:: TypeRewriter() The :class:`TypeRewriter` class provides a type-visitor that can be subclassed to easily implement custom type transformations. Subclasses can implement arbitrary ``rewrite_Foo`` methods for rewriting a type named ``Foo``. :class:`TypeRewriter` itself implements only ``rewrite_Dict``, ``rewrite_List``, ``rewrite_Set``, ``rewrite_Tuple``, ``rewrite_Union`` (in addition to the methods listed below). These methods just recursively rewrite all type arguments of the container types. For example type rewriter implementations, see the source code of the subclasses listed below. .. method:: rewrite(typ: type) -> type Public entry point to rewrite given type; return rewritten type. .. method:: generic_rewrite(typ: type) -> type Fallback method when no specific ``rewrite_Foo`` method is available for a visited type. .. class:: RemoveEmptyContainers() Rewrites e.g. ``Union[List[Any], List[int]]`` to ``List[int]``. The former type frequently occurs when a method that takes ``List[int]`` also sometimes receives the empty list, which will be typed as ``List[Any]``. .. class:: RewriteConfigDict() Takes a generated type like ``Union[Dict[K, V1], Dict[K, V2]]`` and rewrites it to ``Dict[K, Union[V1, V2]]``. .. class:: RewriteLargeUnion(max_union_len: int = 5) Rewrites large unions (by default, more than 5 elements) to simply `Any`, for better readability of functions that aren't well suited to static typing. .. class:: ChainedRewriter(rewriters: Iterable[TypeRewriter]) Accepts a list of rewriter instances and applies each in order. Useful for composing rewriters, since the :class:`~monkeytype.config.Config.type_rewriter` config method only allows returning a single rewriter. .. class:: NoOpRewriter() Does nothing. The default type rewriter in the base :class:`~monkeytype.config.Config`.