.. module:: monkeytype.tracing Tracing function calls ---------------------- The core data type in MonkeyType is the :class:`CallTrace`. A :class:`CallTrace` instance represents a single traced call of a single function or method, including the concrete type of each argument and the return or yield type. A :class:`CallTrace` is recorded by :ref:`monkeytype-run` or the :func:`~monkeytype.trace` context manager (or direct use of a :class:`CallTracer`), logged via a :class:`~CallTraceLogger`, probably stored in a :class:`~monkeytype.db.base.CallTraceStore`, and later queried from that store by :ref:`monkeytype-stub` or :ref:`monkeytype-apply` and combined with all other traces of the same function in order to generate a stub or type annotation for that function. .. program:: monkeytype run .. _monkeytype-run: monkeytype run ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The simplest way to trace some function calls with MonkeyType is to run a Python script under MonkeyType tracing using ``monkeytype run`` at the command line:: $ monkeytype run myscript.py ``monkeytype run`` accepts the same :option:`monkeytype -c` option as ``monkeytype stub`` and ``monkeytype apply``, to point MonkeyType to the config it should use. Because of the way Python treats scripts and modules differently, MonkeyType will record usable traces for modules imported and used by ``myscript.py``; not for ``myscript.py`` itself. If you want to annotate ``myscript.py``, treat it as a module and write another short script that imports and calls its function(s), and run that script with ``monkeytype run``. .. module:: monkeytype trace context manager ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You can also trace calls by wrapping a section of code inside the :func:`trace` context manager:: import monkeytype with monkeytype.trace(): # argument and yield/return types for all function calls will be traced # and stored to `monkeytype.sqlite3` You can pass a :class:`~monkeytype.config.Config` object to :func:`trace` to customize its behavior:: import monkeytype from my_mt_config import my_config with monkeytype.trace(my_config): # arg and yield/return types for function calls here will be traced and # logged as specified by your config. .. function:: trace([config: Config]) -> ContextManager Trace all enclosed function calls and log them per the given ``config``. If no config is given, use the :class:`~monkeytype.config.DefaultConfig`. .. currentmodule:: monkeytype.tracing CallTracer ~~~~~~~~~~ .. class:: CallTracer(logger: CallTraceLogger, code_filter: CodeFilter, sample_rate: int) For more complex tracing cases where you can't easily wrap the code to trace in a context manager, you can also use a :class:`CallTracer` directly. :class:`CallTracer` doesn't accept a :class:`~monkeytype.config.Config` object; instead you pass it a logger, filter, and sample rate. If you have a config, you can easily pull those from it:: from monkeytype.tracing import CallTracer from my_mt_config import my_config logger = my_config.trace_logger() tracer = CallTracer( logger=logger, code_filter=my_config.code_filter(), sample_rate=my_config.sample_rate(), ) The :class:`CallTracer` has no public API apart from its constructor, but it is suitable for passing to ``sys.setprofile`` as a profiler:: sys.setprofile(tracer) # run some code to be traced sys.setprofile(None) # remove the tracer If your :class:`CallTraceLogger` requires flushing, you should also do this after completing tracing:: logger.flush() .. _codefilters: Deciding which calls to trace ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You probably don't want to store traces for every single function called by your program; that will likely include a lot of calls to Python standard-library or third-party library functions that aren't your target for type annotation. To filter the calls that will be traced, you can return a predicate function from the :meth:`~monkeytype.config.Config.code_filter` method of your :meth:`~monkeytype.config.Config`. This function should take a `Python code object`_ and return a boolean: ``True`` means the function will be traced, and ``False`` means it will not. The :class:`~monkeytype.config.DefaultConfig` includes a code filter that excludes code from the Python standard library and site-packages (where third-party packages are installed). .. _Python code object: https://docs.python.org/3/reference/datamodel.html Logging traces ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A call-trace logger is responsible for accepting :class:`CallTrace` instances one by one as they are generated by the tracing code and doing something with them. It could print them directly to stdout, in the simplest case, or (more likely) hand them off to a :class:`~monkeytype.db.base.CallTraceStore` for storage and later retrieval. .. class:: CallTraceLogger() Defines the interface that call-trace loggers should implement. .. method:: log(trace: CallTrace) -> None Accept a single :class:`CallTrace` and do something with it. This method is called every time a new :class:`CallTrace` is generated. .. method:: flush() -> None Flush logged call traces. This method is called once on exiting from the :func:`~monkeytype.trace` context manager. This method doesn't have to be implemented; by default it is a no-op. For very simple trace loggers (e.g. logging to stdout), each trace can be fully handled in :meth:`log` directly as it is received, and no batching or flushing is needed. .. currentmodule:: monkeytype.db.base CallTraceStoreLogger '''''''''''''''''''' .. class:: CallTraceStoreLogger(store: CallTraceStore) The typical function of a call-trace logger is just to batch collected traces and then store them in a :class:`CallTraceStore`. This is implemented by :class:`CallTraceStoreLogger`. Its :meth:`~monkeytype.tracing.CallTraceLogger.log` method just appends the trace to an in-memory list, and its :meth:`~monkeytype.tracing.CallTraceLogger.flush` method saves all collected traces to the given ``store``. .. currentmodule:: monkeytype.tracing CallTrace ''''''''' .. class:: CallTrace(func: Callable, arg_types: Dict[str, type], return_type: Optional[type] = None, yield_type: Optional[type] = None) Type information for one traced call of one function. .. attribute:: func: Callable The function that was called. .. attribute:: funcname: str Fully-qualified name of the function, including module name (e.g. ``some.module.some_func`` or ``some.module.SomeClass.some_method``). .. attribute:: arg_types: Dict[str, type] Dictionary mapping argument names to types, for this particular traced call. .. attribute:: return_type: Optional[type] Type returned by this call, or ``None`` if this call did not return. .. attribute:: yield_type: Optional[type] Type yielded by this call, or ``None`` if this call did not yield.