Storing call traces

MonkeyType operates in two phases: call tracing and stub generation. You first run some code under MonkeyType tracing and store the traced calls. You can do this repeatedly, maybe even sampled in production continually so you always have up-to-date traces available. Then whenever you need, you run monkeytype stub or monkeytype apply to generate annotations based on types from the recorded traces.

In order to do this, MonkeyType needs a backing store for the recorded call traces. By default it will use SQLiteStore, which stores traces in a local SQLite database file. But you can write your own CallTraceStore subclass to store traces in whatever data store works best for you, and return an instance of your custom store from the trace_store() method of your Config class.

CallTraceStore interface

The CallTraceStore base class defines the interface that all call-trace stores must implement. The SQLiteStore subclass provides a useful example implementation of the CallTraceStore interface.

class monkeytype.db.base.CallTraceStore
classmethod make_store(connection_string: str) → CallTraceStore

Create and return an instance of the store, given a connection string.

The format and interpretation of the connection string is entirely up to the store class. Typically it might be e.g. a URI like mysql://john:pass@localhost:3306/my_db.

add(traces: Iterable[CallTrace]) → None

Store one or more CallTrace instances.

Implementations of this method will probably find the CallTraceRow class and its from_trace() classmethod useful; it implements a standardized serialization of CallTrace instances to JSON.

filter(module: str, qualname_prefix: Optional[str] = None, limit: int = 2000) → List[CallTraceThunk]

Query call traces from the call trace store. The module argument should be provided as a dotted Python import path (e.g. some.module).

The store should return the most recent limit traces available for the given module and qualname.

The returned CallTraceThunk instances can be any object that implements a to_trace() zero-argument method returning a CallTrace instance. This allows callers of filter to handle deserialization errors as desired per-trace.

Most stores will choose to return instances of CallTraceRow, which implements a to_trace() that deserializes traces from the same JSON format that its from_trace() classmethod serializes to.


MonkeyType bundles one sample store implementation, which DefaultConfig uses as the default store. It stores call traces in a SQLite database in a local file.

class monkeytype.db.sqlite.SQLiteStore
classmethod make_store(connection_string: str) → SQLiteStore

The connection_string argument will be passed straight through to the Python standard library sqlite module.

add(traces: Iterable[CallTrace]) → None

Store one or more CallTrace instances in the SQLite database, encoded via CallTraceRow.

filter(module: str, qualname_prefix: Optional[str] = None, limit: int = 2000) → List[CallTraceRow]

Query up to limit call traces from the SQLite database for a given module and optional qualname_prefix, returning each as a CallTraceRow instance.


The CallTraceRow class implements serialization/deserialization of CallTrace instances to/from JSON. See the implementation of SQLiteStore for example usage.

It is not required for a custom store to use CallTraceRow; a store may choose to implement its own alternative (de)serialization.

class monkeytype.encoding.CallTraceRow
classmethod from_trace(trace: CallTrace) → CallTraceRow

Serialize a CallTraceRow from the given CallTrace.

to_trace() → CallTrace

Deserialize and return the CallTrace represented by this CallTraceRow.

module: str

The module in which the traced function is defined, e.g. some.module.

qualname: str

The __qualname__ of the traced function or method, e.g. some_func for a top-level function or SomeClass.some_method for a method.

arg_types: str

A JSON-serialized representation of the concrete argument types for a single traced call. See the implementation for details of the format.

return_type: Optional[str]

A JSON-serialized representation of the actual return type of this traced call, or None if this call did not return (i.e. yielded instead).

yield_type: Optional[str]

A JSON-serialized representation of the actual yield type for this traced call, or None if this call did not yield (i.e. returned instead).


The minimal required interface of the objects returned from CallTraceStore.filter(). Most stores will use CallTraceRow to satisfy this interface.

class monkeytype.db.base.CallTraceThunk
to_trace() → CallTrace

Produce a CallTrace instance based on the serialized trace data stored in this thunk.