
Most of the useful ways to configure MonkeyType require writing Python code to implement your preferred behavior, so MonkeyType’s configuration is done in Python code. To customize MonkeyType, you:

  1. subclass monkeytype.config.Config or monkeytype.config.DefaultConfig,
  2. override one or more methods in your subclass,
  3. instantiate your subclass, and
  4. point MonkeyType to your custom Config instance.

Let’s look at those steps in more detail.

Subclassing Config or DefaultConfig

class monkeytype.config.Config

Config is the “empty” config; it’s not usable out of the box, and requires your subclass to fill in some blanks in order to get useful behavior. It has the following methods:

trace_store() → CallTraceStore

Return the CallTraceStore subclass you want to use to store your call traces.

This is the one method you must override if you subclass the empty Config.

trace_logger() → CallTraceLogger

Return the CallTraceLogger subclass you want to use to log your call traces.

If you don’t override, this returns an instance of CallTraceStoreLogger initialized with your trace_store().

code_filter() → CodeFilter

Return the code filter that categorizes traced functions into ones you are interested in (so their traces should be stored) and ones you aren’t (their traces will be ignored).

If you don’t override, returns None, meaning all traces will be stored. This will probably include a lot of standard-library and third-party functions!

sample_rate() → int

Return the integer sampling rate for your logged call traces. If you return an integer N from this method, 1/N function calls will be traced and logged.

If you don’t override, returns None, which disables sampling; all function calls will be traced and logged.

type_rewriter() → TypeRewriter

Return the TypeRewriter which will be applied to all your types when stubs are generated.

If you don’t override, returns NoOpRewriter, which doesn’t rewrite any types.

query_limit() → int

The maximum number of call traces to query from the trace store when generating stubs. If you have recorded a lot of traces, increasing this limit may improve stub accuracy, at the cost of slower stub generation.

On the other hand, if some of your recorded traces are out of date because the code has changed, and you haven’t purged your trace store, increasing this limit could make stubs worse by including more outdated traces.

Defaults to 2000.

cli_context(command: str) → Iterator[None]

A context manager which wraps the execution of the CLI command.

MonkeyType has to import your code in order to generate stubs for it. In some cases, like if you’re using Django, setup is required before your code can be imported. Use this method to define the necessary setup or teardown for your codebase.

This method must return a context manager instance. In most cases, the simplest way to do this will be with the contextlib.contextmanager decorator. For example, if you run MonkeyType against a Django codebase, you can setup Django before the command runs:

def cli_context(self, command: str) -> Iterator[None]:
    import django

command is the name of the command passed to the monkeytype cli: 'run', 'apply', etc.

The default implementation of this method returns a no-op context manager.

max_typed_dict_size() → int

The maximum size of string-keyed dictionary for which per-key value types will be stored, and (if the traced keys and value types are consistent), a TypedDict will be emitted instead of Dict. Return 0 to disable per-key type tracking and TypedDict generation.

Currently TypedDict generation in stubs breaks –apply because retype doesn’t support copying new TypedDict subclasses from stub to code.

Defaults to 0.

class monkeytype.config.DefaultConfig

DefaultConfig is the config MonkeyType uses if you don’t provide your own; it’s usable as-is, and you can inherit it if you just want to make some tweaks to the default setup. DefaultConfig overrides the following methods from Config:

trace_store() → SQLiteStore

Returns an instance of SQLiteStore, which stores call traces in a local SQLite database, by default in the file monkeytype.sqlite3 in the current directory. You can override the path to the SQLite database by setting the MT_DB_PATH environment variable.

code_filter() → CodeFilter

Returns the default code filter predicate function. If an environment variable MONKEYTYPE_TRACE_MODULES is defined with one or more comma separated package and/or module names, the default code filter traces only functions within the listed modules. Otherwise the default filter excludes code in the Python standard library and installed site-packages, and traces all other functions.

type_rewriter() → ChainedRewriter

Returns an instance of ChainedRewriter initialized with the RemoveEmptyContainers, RewriteConfigDict, and RewriteLargeUnion type rewriters.

Using your custom config subclass

Once you’ve written a Config or DefaultConfig subclass, you need to instantiate it and point MonkeyType to that instance. The easiest way to do this is to create a file named and create a Config instance in it named CONFIG; MonkeyType will find and use this config automatically.

For example, let’s say you mostly like the default config, but you want to add a sampling rate, so you put this code in the file

from monkeytype.config import DefaultConfig

class MyConfig(DefaultConfig):
    def sample_rate(self):
        return 1000

CONFIG = MyConfig()

MonkeyType will automatically find and use this config (as long as is on the Python path).

Specifying a config

You can also explicitly specify the config instance to use. For instance, when tracing calls using the monkeytype.trace() context manager, you can just pass your config object to it:

from monkeytype import trace
from some.module import my_config

with trace(my_config):
    # ... run some code you want to trace here ...

When running the command line utility, use the --config or -c option to point MonkeyType to your config, e.g.:

$ monkeytype -c some.module:my_config stub some.module